Plato Principal
Potato pancakes (Latkes)
- PT30M 30 minutos,
- 2 Pasos
Easy, quick and yummy.
The same way you can make zucchini pancakes and my personal favourite - mixed potatoes-zucchini pancakes.
Elaboración paso a paso
- 1 Grate potatoes and onions. In a bowl combine them with eggs, flour, salt and pepper (with 0,5kg potatoes goes 1 big onion, 1 egg, 2-3 spoons of flour). If you think there is too much water, get rid of it.
- 2 Heat oil in a frying pan, spoon potatoes and cook as pancakes. You can eat it with sugar, sour cream, gulash (then it\'s called hungarian potato pancakes) and basically anything.
hace 14 años 2011-01-30 18:33:10
1 Comentarios
- hace 2026 años Thank you Julieta! let you know how it went..!